Shortage in the labour market?

Shortage in the labour market?

Reinforcement in the workplace! Trendhuis wants to help solve a problem in our labour market by inviting more people with a disability on the work floor and wants to do so through the Welcome2Work project. Statbel’s statistics indicated that in 2020 only 40.8% of people between the ages of 20 and 64 with a disability had a job in Belgium….

Time2Grow as a prevention tool for both men and women

Time2Grow as a prevention tool for both men and women

Is burnout feminine or masculine? Is burn-out a modern container concept or is it actually a work related issue? The facts are that in recent years more and more people suffer from it, this trend is not slowing down, and new policies around burn-out are introduced all the time. According to the KULeuven’s Work, Organisation, and Employee Psychology[1]  research facility,…