
Do you know how to spot opportunities? Do you meet the future head on? Our trend studies and analyses on sustainable entrepreneurship, human resources, and consumer approach give you a clear insight into trend research for a better future.

Trend Research for a Better Future


Comeos, the Belgian retail federation, requests us on a bi-annually basis to research consumers’ opinions on sustainability in stores. Do they want to invest in it? If so, what priorities do they have in what stores?

We also perform sustainability research for companies and governments. For example, the city of Bruges asked us to research sustainable chocolate. And more recently, a collective of European packaging companies requested we research consumer’s recycling preferences.

House of Trends uses the CSR monitor, both of our own accord and in cooperation with partners, to investigate the importance of sustainable entrepreneurship for large companies and SMEs. We also look into the initiatives that they can take (together).

How sustainable are you as a company? And what do your customers think of this?

Working Barometer 2022

For over ten years, we have been questioning both employers and employees about their perception of the job market. This longitudinal study in cooperation with governmental partners, companies, and the media always includes additional questions around diversity, lifelong learning, working at later ages, stress on the job, etc.

We always ask opinion makers what their vision is on the future of sustainable employment. We also use a questionnaire to ask about 1.000 Belgians what their opinion is on the future of work. Afterwards, the results are discussed and presented per generation.

In many of our European projects, we also gauge the creation of dignified and inclusive work for everyone, linked to sustainable economic growth.

Trend Books

We want our studies to have an impact. That is why we bundle them in an appealing trend book that we spread widely among stakeholders.

Do you have questions surrounding the future of work?Suggestions for 2022’s theme?
Contact us!

European projects

We’re able

With the international project ‘We’re Able’, Time4Society promotes inclusive entrepreneurship.

Together with partner organisations from Lithuania (SOPA) and Bulgaria (EYES), a ‘Talent Game’ is being developed that sensitises companies on working with people with disabilities. The role-playing game offers six different scenarios and relies on three pillars: talents, empathy and problem-solving.

Organisations or companies interested in the game, can contact Time4Society!

Nudging 360°

Nudging 360° addresses the digital transformation in Higher Education by using nudging and self-nudging to enhance HE educators’ digital competencies. Since nudging has not been used to motivate educators on such a large scale, it represents a new and innovative practice for improving teaching skills.

This project benefits from the knowledge, resources and experience of the University of Camerino, the University of Barcelona, House of Trends, Momentum and ACEEU.

Learning network

With the learning network, the European Social Fund and Trendhuis give counselling to 28 transnational projects that revolve around important themes such as the development of an inclusive policy, the creation of a sustainable and inclusive labour market, activation of people with a distance to the labour market to work, job design, crafting and carving, the development of circular jobs and also the effects of the platform economy.

We do this through workshops, (online) meetings, expositions by experts, newsletters, etc. Our aim is to connect promoters, such as universities, colleges, private organisations and social entrepreneurs with one another, so that they can inspire and strengthen each other through their projects. By doing so, we’re building a better future and a labour market that’s inclusive for everyone.

Hire an employee with a disability!

The Welcome2Work-project motivates employers to hire people with a disability and to integrate them into the workforce, facilitating their throughput from the social to the regular economy. All of this while also keeping an eye on their individual competences and talents.

Socially healthy

BSport+ (Bottom-up Sport Partnership) is a project in which we stimulate people with a disability to work out more often. To do this, we coach coaches and organisations. But we also create cooperation mechanisms between institutions in which we reduce the inequalities between people with a disability and people without a disability in the world of sports and exercise.

Do you want to develop future perspectives for your company together with the end customer?

Trendhuis’ research makes it possible to make strategic changes, to sell new concepts, or to provide better services.